Reference Commands for DAS BOOT a >>>>> SPELLJAMMER RELEASE <<<<< DOCS typed by: TIME-X of SPELLJAMMER on 03-11-91 The following keystrokes are to be used with the ALT key: --------------------------------------------------------------------- B Gives report by radar detection. C Reports course in degrees. D Damage reports. S Turns U-Boat into view of targets. G Turns digitized graphics ON/OFF. H Hydrophone report. I 1st officer identifies locations. K Reports U-Boat speed in knots. T Sets torpedoes O Radar detection. P Adjusts U-Boat for periscope view. R Radio reports. S Adjusts U-Boat for periscope depth. V Turns volume ON/OFF W Reports location of waypoints. (if any are selected...) 1 1/3 foward power 2 2/3 forward power 3 Full ahead engines. 4 Reverse engines. 5 Stop all engines. 6 Normal time flow. 7 Double time flow. 8 Tripple time flow. 9 Quad time flow. Ok from what I have found, thats it for the ALT keys........ Here are some other keys presses. P Will pause the game. + - Keys work to change the speed control of your U-Boat. (- slows downs the engine speed, + increase engine speed) The 4 arrows Will change the diection of your U-Boat. These docs can't supplement for the real thing, however they will save you lots of trouble and fustration. These commands help make the game for enjoyable and easier to play! THE END GREETZ go out to: All of SPELLJAMMER, Quartex, DefJam, Skid Row, Crystal and all the other cool groups out there!